A Very Bunny Existence

Life with a husband and 3 bunnies.

Happy Birthday, Crispin and Junie!

on November 18, 2012

Tomorrow, November 19th, is Junie’s 1st birthday.  We’re not sure when Crispin was born, but based on other information we do have from his previous owners, we’re guessing that he and Junie are nearly the same age.  So we’re celebrating their birthdays together!


I ordered them the mini-haven from Binky Bunny.  It’s like a maze/tower contraption.  Check it out!

Lots to explore!

We took out the Box Kingdom and put this in.  Both bunnies were very interested!

Junie debates whether entering this new thing is a good idea or not.

Meanwhile, Crispin’s already inside exploring.

Junie ventures in eventually.

Crispin jumps up to the second level!

Hello out there!

There’s more up here?!

Junie pokes her head up to level 2.

Looks like the coast is clear!

Hey there!

Junie takes a dive out the window.

Neither of them have jumped all the way up to the top yet (maybe that’s a good thing??), but I’m sure they will eventually.  They’ve had fun jumping inside and out and they’ve already begun chewing on various parts of it.

Happy Birthday, Crispin and Junie!!

Say "hey" to the bunnies here: