A Very Bunny Existence

Life with a husband and 3 bunnies.

Nibbles is Famous + a Blog Award

I submitted a picture to Disapproving Rabbits (disapprovingrabbits.com) and they posted it today!Β  Check out Nibbles’ disapproval at http://www.disapprovingrabbits.com/2013/01/nibbles.html.

One of my other favorite bunny blogs, Rabbit Ramblings, listed my blog as one of their favorites and passed along these:

I’ve never done this before, so I hope this is right, haha!Β  Here are the rules for this award:

  • Let everyone else know about the wonderful person that nominated you and thank them from the bottom of your heart πŸ™‚
  • Write 7 random facts about yourself that other people may not know
  • Award 15 other blogs with this award πŸ™‚

Rabbit Ramblings is a waaaay better blog than mine (cute pictures, updated multiple times per week, adorable captions, and plenty of rabbit antics).Β  Check it out if you are in need of more bunnyness.

Here are my 7 random facts:

-I was hit by a bus in India.Β  [Well, really, I was bumped, but it was rolling forward and it hit me, so I’m going to go with ‘hit.’]

-I’ve never broken a bone.

-My favorite car of all time is the 1936 Bugatti 57SC Atlantic coupe (the black one…see here).

-I hate cheese.

-Scotland is the most beautiful place I’ve ever been.

-My favorite movie of all time (consequently, the BEST movie every created) is “Lawrence of Arabia.”

-I love chewy candy and will eat so much that I can give myself a tummy ache.Β  Soo…I don’t have that around the house very often.

My 15 blogs to recognize:

Life’s A Bunny

The Life and Times of Bunnies

Daily Bunny

Little Fluffy Adventures

The Daily Bunny

Disapproving Rabbits

A Vegas Girl at Heart

Mish Mash

Becky Higgins

-Hello Forever

Great Smitten

The Frugal Girl

Money Saving Mom

Hyperbole and a Half

Daily Squee


The β€˜rules’ for this award are simple (source is here):
1. Select the blog(s) you think deserve the β€˜Blog of the Year 2012’ Award. [See above.]
2. Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and β€˜present’ them with their award.
3. Please include a link back to this page β€˜Blog of the Year 2012’ AwardΒ and include these β€˜rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!).
4. Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the β€˜rules’ with them.
5. You can now also join our Facebook group – click β€˜like’ on this page β€˜Blog of the Year 2012’ Award Facebook group and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience.
6. As a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award – and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars…

(from http://www.bunyaboy.blogspot.com/2013/01/blog-awards.html)

Whew!Β  That’s a lot of links.Β  I hope you find a new blog to follow from that list!Β  Thanks for reading πŸ™‚